How or what you start out with in life doesn’t necessarily determine your outcome later in life, but it sure is an important factor. In fact, you’re already probably familiar with several inspiring rags-to-riches tales in which people successfully overcame crippling poverty and the most challenging of circumstances during their childhood and climbed their way to the top. And while these stories will always be wildly encouraging, they’re often the exception of a few, and not the rule of many.
All parents want to provide their children with the best start in life, because the best start is more likely to provide the best outcome in adulthood ? and in today’s society and throughout the world, that means a good job, a thriving family, and positive societal contributions.
In addition to stability in the home, a “good” start in life also means receiving the best education possible. Schools play an integral role in the overall life and development of a child, and a good education provides a solid foundation from which a lifetime of success can be built. This is perhaps one of the greatest benefits of private school education.
Also referred to as private schools, the best day schools understand the significant influence education has on a child and go to great lengths to set students up for success. This is done in a number of different ways, and these factors are what separate private from public schools. Here are a few examples of the biggest differences between a public school education and private day schools.
Funding source is primary difference between public schools and private schools such as the best day schools. While public schools receive government funding, private schools charge student for each student in attendance. The amount of tuition varies from school to school, and scholarships are typically available. Unlike public schools that are often at risk of losing resources to reductions in government funding, the best day schools rely on tuition cost to support and maintain their school.
Similar to cost, academic achievement may also be a determining factor when it comes to private school attendance. For example, some private high schools may require prospective students to submit test scores, grades, and even an entire application before finally being admitted. Not only does this process help to select the most interested candidates, but it also helps students prepare for the often grueling college application process.
Class sizes
The best day schools have impressive student to teacher ratios with small, manageable class sizes. This makes for a personal and hands-on learning experience for the students, and allows them to receive the individual attention they need. While the number varies from school to school, the best day schools typically have student to teacher rations of 18:1 or even less. On the other hand, public schools often have larger class sizes that make it difficult to students to any kind of individual instruction.
For students that are naturally shy, quiet, or who don’t often speak up, large class sizes are especially challenging. These students are often drowned out by their more assertive peers or their struggles may go unnoticed. Similarly, students with different learning styles aren’t easily accommodate in larger class sizes.
School is so cool
Because private and the best day schools have highly selective admission processes, they are able to enroll students that are highly motivated and driven to succeed. In other words, it’s cool to get grades. Academic recognition is encouraged at private schools, while good grades often make public school students easy targets for bullying or harassment. A “too cool for school” attitude is simply not acceptable at the best day schools and students encourage others to succeed through friendly competition.
At public schools, students will often thwart their own academic success in hopes of avoiding any kind of academic praise from their teachers that would cause friction with their peers. No one wants to be seen as a “nerd”, “geek”, “smartypants”, or even worse ? the teacher’s “pet”.
The best day schools provide more than an academic education, and prepare students for life in general.