It is estimated that 4.8 million Americans walk with a cane. This is about 70% of mobility device users, making it the most popular mobility device in the U.S. However, there are different kinds of walking sticks made from various materials. Wooden canes are the oldest type of sticks and most of them featured a crook handle with a fixed height. Metals sticks came to replace wooden sticks as they were much stronger. They come in fixed and adjustable length for different users height. Another common type of walking stick is the carbon fiber cane, which is more lightweight and strong.
With the growing demand of mobility canes, there has been an introduction of more complex but functional walking sticks. The two common examples are folding sticks and the walking seat sticks.
Folding stick
This is a lightweight walking cane with sectioned joints for easy folding and unfolding as well as storage. Folding sticks are made of a flexible and elastic material that enables them to be stretched back into position while remaining stable. There are two options to choose from, adjustable or fixed height models.
Seat sticks
If you or your loved one have heart-related issues and experiencing breathing difficulties when walking, the best solution is to find a walking stick with a seat for periodic rests. This type of stick is ideal if you are walking long distances or queuing for long period. However, its application is limited to those with relative weight as its stability is compromised by the introduction of a seat. Seat sticks come in both adjustable height models and the fixed models. When considering this option, it’s important to also factor in your height in order to get maximum stability from the device.
One of the drawbacks of this type of mobility device is that the seats are considerably small in size. Most of them also don’t feature backrest support, making it a challenge to stand up. There are several other types of seat sticks and most of them differ on the type of base they have. Unlike a single-point seat stick, a three or a quad-legged stick offers maximum support with its broader base. They also have rubber ferrule for ample stability.
From the varying walking sticks options you have, it’s vital you choose one with the right height and can tolerate your weight. These sticks are recommended for anyone especially seniors who experience light-headedness when walking or standing up.