Even though dealing with toddler tantrums isn’t the easiest part of being a parent, it doesn’t have to be the most challenging, either. Toddlers throw tantrums for a variety of reasons, and in some situations, you may have no idea what triggered them. When you pay close attention to your child’s behavior, however, you may discover a few clues.
Is your toddler bored? Perhaps that’s what is triggering their terrible twos behavior. Since their brain develops the fastest from birth up until they are 3 years old, it’s possible they need more stimulation. In addition to reading to them, you could also play music, sing songs, finger paint. Or, weather-willing, you could go for a walk or engage in imaginative play outdoors.
Ironically, your toddler may be throwing a tantrum because they are over-stimulated. If, for example, they had a playdate complete with several toddlers and their moms and/or dads, they could be exhausted, too. If this is the case, quiet play and a nice nap may keep those terrible twos tantrums away.
Could your toddler be hungry? If you recently fed them, take a moment to think about what it was they ate. Was it a few slices of banana and apple or a classic bowl of spaghetti? While their age, size, and activity level all impact how many calories toddlers need to have every day, it’s usually between 1,000 to 1,4000. Furthermore, when your toddler is less than 2, they may also need more healthy fats. In general, these shouldn’t be restricted as they’re needed for brain and nerve development.
Does your child have a regular nap and bedtime? If you have a set work schedule, or have other regular obligations outside parenting, chances are you’re doing the best you can to create a set nap or bedtime for your child. Just like their parents, some children need consistency. So, if you’re primarily dealing with toddler tantrums at nap or bedtime, experiment with putting them to bed at a regular hour.
The journal, Child Development, published a 2010 study that focused on the benefits of calming down and sleeping for children 12 months and older. It was determined that when combined, these may enhance a child’s skill development.
Once your child has more communication and social skills, their tantrums will probably decrease or disappear altogether. Remember that you can speak with your child’s pediatrician for tips on dealing with toddler tantrums. Your pediatrician is also an excellent source for learning more about healthy foods for picky kids, and other important aspects of raising a happy child.