It can be easy to forget that our place of worship occasionally needs an update too. Church furniture, just like anything else, can get dingy and worn, especially with consistent use from hundreds of people. One of the items that often needs replacement are church pews, although they can be pricy. If your place of worship is looking to replace your existing pews, but can’t afford brand new ones, there are often used church pews — more gently worn than yours, perhaps — or online vendors where you can buy church pews for a little less than in an actual store. Another element that also often needs repair are steeples, a common symbol for a church. Steeple repair can be unwieldy for the average contractor, but there are companies who specialize in restoring your church steeple to its rightful glory. The history of both church pews and steeples is interesting, especially as church pews weren’t even originally used in worship. Let’s go back in time and see some of the history surrounding church pews.
A Quick Background On Church Pews
The first pews came about in the 13th century in the form of stone benches that could be placed or removed against the walls of the church. However, for the first 1,000 years (and a little more) fo church history, there were no pews in churches. Congregations were more free form an could walk or mingle with other congregants. In fact, pews weren’t a staple in churches until the Protestant Reformation. This may have also been due to the fact that in the first three centuries that the Christian church was formed, practicing was illegal and it was dangerous to build a house of worship. Most communities practiced in private homes in secret, so the idea of church furniture wasn’t really common.
However, in the mid 19th century, pews became a source of revenue and contention, especially in the Church of England, when churches tried to rent pews to families or individuals as a way to make money. “Free Churches” sprung up, where pew rentals weren’t accepted and people could sit where they chose. Up until the early to mid 20th century however, pew rentals continued and your seating in the church often was a sign of how important or wealthy you were.
Today, with the exception of certain Orthodox groups, pews are pretty much a staple in churches everywhere. Some modern pews are built more for comfort, with cushioned seating on the benches and footrests, while some stick to the more traditional wood-only construction. For churches that require public kneeling in prayer, padded kneelers in front are common.
Why Is It Important to Keep the Church Furniture Up to Date?
Faith is still important to many people — Gallup reports that around 70% of Americans say that they still go to church occasionally and 40% of Americans are classified as “very religious.” (This means religion is a significant part of their daily life and they go to church weekly or close to weekly.) For these people — and for less frequent visitors — being able to have a beautiful place of worship is important. It’s a sanctuary for them to visit with their God and forget the troubles of the outside world for an hour or two.
How Can I Keep the Church Furniture in My Place of Worship Looking Beautiful?
In most cases, donations are going to be necessary and most churchgoers will happily donate some money for the upkeep of their church. After all, it benefits them when church furniture looks well kept up and cared for. Certain furniture manufacturers and companies specialize in refurnishing church furniture, restoring, repairing, and crafting new furniture for your church. It may very well be time for you to update your church furniture altogether!
These companies will often take care of all stages — from removing the existing furniture from the church, repairing and refinishing the furniture, restoring it and re-upholstering, if necessary, to delivering and installing your finished pieces back where they belong.
Consider updating your church furniture if you haven’t done so in awhile and it’s beginning to look noticeably worn. You and your congregation will thank you later.