Across the United States, the toughest schooling decision for modern parents involves deciding between public schools and private schools. Parents want to give their children an advantage early on and if they have the money, they will send them to the best private schools. So if you cannot decide between prep schools and more, here are some facts for you.
First and foremost, there are plenty of options available to parents including both public schools and private schools. Thus, they do not have to settle for anything that they do not believe in. Keep in mind that right now, nearly 25% of all schools in the United States are specifically private schools.
In the year of 2015, nearly 87% of all five-year-olds in America were enrolled in some type of preprimary program. As previously mentioned, parents go to great lengths to try and get their children involved in education as early on as possible. In that same year, nearly 51%o of all three and five-year-old children were enrolled in some type of full-day program! So parents go beyond just sending children to private schools in modern day society.
Parents that can afford to send their children to private schools will do so strictly based on results. Keep in mind that the national average for all schools on the SAT is 1060. However, the national average for private schools on the SAT is just about 1265. Thus, parents with the money to do so will send their children to preparatory schools for a better education experience.
A non-parochial private high school is a school that is supported financially by a church. Parents that send their children to private schools often do so for religious meanings. However, they will also again point to all of the positive results that come from these same prep school situations.
Roughly 95% of non-parochial private high school grads go on to four-year postsecondary institutions compared with 49% of public school grads. Due to this, some parents prefer a private school education for their children rather than a public school. After all, private school options provide students with more resources as opposed to a public school.
Counselors at private schools say they spend about 55% of their time on college-related counseling. Public high school counselors, on the other hand, say they spend only 22% on college-related counseling. An early jump on college applications can go a long way for so many students. After all, a big part of getting accepted into a college involves strictly how you apply!
A recent study has revealed that just about 24% of public school teachers report that lack of parental involvement is a problem in their school, while only 3% of private school teachers report this as a problem. Therefore, it is easy to understand that private schools offer a different kind of culture. A culture in which students are encouraged by parents and teachers alike!
The same study has revealed that 21% of public school teachers report that student apathy is a problem in their school, while only 4% of private school teachers report this as a problem. For those who do not know, apathy is simply a lack of caring or motivation. Thus, private school teachers are working with students that want to learn and succeed more often than not.
The most important part of deciding where you want to send your child involves the learning situation that you want them to experience. As previously mentioned, public schools are quite different than private schools. However, that does not mean that private schools are inherently better. It really all depends on what parents want for their children!
In Conclusion
Every single year, parents struggle to make their decision between public and private school institutions. Take time to find all of the best options near your home. Then, you can make an educated choice that provides your child with the right leanring environemt and so much more!