Finding the right house for sale is a big event in your life. You’ve found that perfect home in an ideal location which is great. However, now you need to concentrate on moving old of your old place. Moving often feels like a burden to anyone that has ever done it. However, if you know how to prepare to move, it will make the whole process much easier. You might even make a little extra money from moving out. In this post, you will learn how to downsize before your next move.
Begin by Separating Items
The first step to downsizing before a move is to take inventory. You will want to go through each item in your house. It’s recommended to use a spreadsheet software or pen and paper to keep track of items. The purpose of inventorying your items is to get a new perspective on what you have. Many people have closets filled with items without knowing what these things are. You will want to have three different sections for items to go. Boxes work especially well to separate your items. In addition, it’s likely you have plenty of boxes lying around to help with your upcoming move. Separate items by making boxes marked for keeping, giving away, and throwing out.
It’s Time to Begin Sorting
You should now have three boxes. Each box is used to determine where your items will go. You’ve likely found many items you have long forgotten about. As you find a new item, decide if you want to keep it, give it away, or toss it out. You will already know which items to keep. Sorting through items you feel indifferent about can be much harder. It’s up to you whether you donate or sell items you don’t need. Donating items to charity will, in many cases, give you a nice tax deduction. People who are strapped for funds may choose to sell their items. In either case, ensure the items you are getting rid of are in somewhat good condition. Clothing charities usually want items that are gently used which means no holes or tears. If you are unsure about an unwanted item, it’s probably best to toss it.
Final Steps Before the Move
The goal of the sorting phase is to help you realize what you truly want. Everyone has different items they prefer to hold onto. However, many movers are looking to downsize when moving to a desirable location. It’s best to keep the items that you regularly use or have sentimental value. Many moving services charge per amount of items that will be moved. Downsizing means paying less moving fees on the way to your ideal neighborhood. One study finds that 32% of recent home buyers were looking for a place that has been lived in for its reduced price. Selling items before you move means having more money in your pocket.
Finding homes for sale isn’t something everyone knows how to do. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at the thought of looking for a new home. However, there are a few trusted sources to use that makes finding a desirable location much easier. Research shows that 78% of recent home purchasers felt their real estate agent provided extremely useful information. Interestingly, studies show that, on average, people only move about 14 miles from their last location. It’s important to not get discouraged if you haven’t found the perfect home yet. Finding the right home takes time. People with children often look for a living space near a great school district. Find what is important to you in a living space, it helps make the decision process easier.
In closing, downsizing makes a move much easier. Before moving to your new desirable location, you will want to take inventory of your items. Taking inventory allows you to see what you want and what you don’t. You will want to separate items into boxes, each one with its own purpose. Boxes should be labeled for keeping items, selling or donating, and throwing out. Separating items into boxes makes moving much easier when you’ve found a desirable location.