The courage to do what is right in the face of opposition, the strength to protect another, and the valor to remain humble and always serve is the epitome of what it means to be a soldier. Our American servicemen and servicewomen have risked their lives in the preservation of our freedoms; in some cases however, some of our veterans have risked much more than their lives. Severe mental illnesses caused by exposure to war, problems at home, and an inability to acclimate back into civilian life are just a few of the risks veterans take to preserve our freedoms and allow us to live in safety and comfort. Here are three reasons why soldiers may need the help of counseling.
The Impact of Deployment
Stress can significantly affect our mental health; if left unchecked this can gradually lead to a mental illness. Statistics from 2014 report that around one out of every six parents will experience some kind of mental health concern with single parents being around twice as likely to have some of these issues. Soldiers who have been deployed are at an even greater risk now that psychologists are just beginning to understand Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event; it is not something that can be cured, only treated. Through psychotherapy and other forms of counseling for PTSD, many veterans are finding relief from their symptoms; interestingly enough, many veterans are discovering the benefit of an aid dog to help alleviate the frequency of their symptoms.
Working Out Problems With Marriage Counseling for Military Veterans
The difficulty of absence and the uncertainty of one’s well-being can pay a heavy toll on any person. Unfortunately, a number of veterans return from service only to find that their relationship is strained. marriage counseling for military veterans can help repair the damages and create a stronger relationship through effective communication and understanding. Up to 93% of those who participated in marriage counseling for military veterans found that they had more effective tools for dealing with their problems than before therapy. The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists stated that couples who have attended marriage counseling for military veterans indicate high levels of patient satisfaction. Up to 75% of those couples who attended therapy report that they are happier together than similar couples who did not receive therapy. Consider your relationship and determine when to see a couples counselor to improve your communication with your significant other.
Moving Forward With a New Beginning
Acclimating to a world one left behind in dedication to the service of their country is something that many veterans struggle with, especially those who find that their significant other is no longer around. On average, women are quicker to move forward from a divorce than men, taking an average of 3.1 years to remarry as opposed to the 3.3 years a man will take. Based on statistics for divorce in the United States, researchers estimate that as many as 50% of all first marriages will end in divorce; second marriages are even more likely to end in divorce with a 60% likelihood. This means that the divorce rate in America is so high that there is a divorce approximately every 36 seconds! Finding a trusted therapist to help improve one’s daily life is an important step for veterans looking to return to a sense of normality. Many counselors become important friends and trusted advisors over the years; thus many veterans are comfortable asking premarital questions to their therapist when the time for love comes again. Whether looking for marriage advice or a new perspective on life, military veterans have a number of resources at their disposal to improve their quality of life.