An education is forever. It impacts everything your child does, even after they graduate, and can lay a strong foundation for great achievements throughout the course of their life. On the other hand, a lackluster education can leave them despondent, struggling and with a complete lack of options once it’s time to apply for college or their very first job. This massive responsibility can leave many parents worrying about where to send their children off to when the school season rolls around again. Do they apply to a private preschool? Does an art high school have benefits others might not?
Instead of shouldering this burden all on your own, look below and learn about why private schooling might clear up all of your fears for the future.
Contrary to popular belief, private schools aren’t only for junior high and up. Private preschools combine the very best in traditional learning with a more individualized approach, allowing your toddler to achieve the basics no matter what particular troubles they may be going through. Children with autism, learning disorders or social anxiety can benefit greatly from a private preschool with a one-on-one class model. Numbers, letters, games, play and basic socialization will all be achieved in a way that will suit your child best.
When you’re looking past a private preschool and to the best private schools for teenagers, it’s a decision made easier with a few facts. There are over 30,000 private schools across the United States serving over five million children between preschool and the 12th grade. Private schools have over one and a half times their enrollment in large cities compared to their public counterparts, despite being half the size of the average public school. As you can see, more parents than ever are becoming privy to the benefits of a private model.
What can you expect from your child’s grades? Studies have shown children who attend preschool will do 20% better on both math and reading tests later in kindergarten than those who did not attend. For those interested in later years, ongoing studies have been compiled to weigh the benefits of private schooling over public schooling when it comes to national testing. The average national SAT scores are 497 in reading and 514 in math. Compare this to private schools, where the average was 541 and 550, respectively.
These scores will do wonders for helping your child realize their dreams through ongoing education. Thanks to data provided by NCES, an impressive 88% of private high school students will go on to apply to college. Only 55% of public high school graduates, however, will do the same. Of the over 300,000 private high school graduates back in 2010 and 2011, nearly 65% proceeded to attend a four-year college just a year later. Any concerns you have about your child being accepted to the university of their dreams can be put to rest early.
School is more than just grades, however. It’s imperative your child is able to learn basic skills that will support them once they graduate. Over 80% of private institutions have fewer than 300 students, with class sizes much smaller than what you would see at a public school. It’s estimated that there are 12 students or so for every teacher, encouraging every student to get the attention they need to thrive. When your child has additional issues that could interfere with their learning process, such as dyslexia or a physical disability, this difference is essential.
Parents are seeing the advantages of attending private schools, too. A recent study saw over 80% of the parents responding that they’re happy with their child’s academic standards. An additional study by the Fraser Institute back in 2007 saw nearly 92% of the parents surveyed saying the dedication of the teachers was their primary reason for enrolling their child in a private middle school. Last, but not least, many parents also find private schools to be much safer and better maintained.
The best private education is one that will address each and every element in your child’s life, no matter how small or how difficult.