We often underestimate the importance of a good undisturbed sleep; that is, until you go through a period of time where you aren’t getting it. If you are pregnant or struggle with insomnia or another sleep disorder, then you understand. Feeling tired may just be a way of life for you now but that shouldn’t be the case. The human body can not function on poor sleep quality for a long period of time, something has to change. It may as simple a fix as investing in a more supportive bed or an adjustable mattress. Or, you may need to see a doctor in order to fix the problem if it is severe. If your sleeping patterns have recently changed, it may not be a long term problem and some simple home remedies can send back into undisturbed sleep. Here are some easy tips for a full night of undisturbed sleep.
Take your shower or bath in the evening instead of the morning.
This will relax your muscles and comfort your body. As you body begins to cool down after you get, that will help you sleep well. It’s a good idea to shower before bed anyway to get rid of all the dead skin cells and dirt that are on you and will end up in your bed if you don’t.
Sleep in tighter cotton clothing or no clothing.
Sleeping in loose clothing can be frustrating because they can get twisted around your body and tangled in the sheets. You want cotton because it is breathable. Sleeping with no clothes on can actually regulate your body temperature to a comfortable temperature.
Make sure your pillow is appropriate.
Too thin and you head will end up leaning backwards and too thick or too many pillow can put your head at an odd angle. When sleeping on your side, put a pillow between your knees to support your hips. If you sleep on your back, put the pillow under your legs.
When possible, dim your lighting about an hour or so before bedtime.
Having softer light will alert your body to the late hour and avoid disrupting your internal clock. This includes turning off lights not in use, switching off the television and putting down all electronics for the night. You’ll to make sure that your bedroom is almost completely dark. If you are unable to do this, try using an eye mask.
Use a white noise machine or listen to gentle sounds when going to sleep.
White noise generators have been known to help people go to sleep faster as well cover up noises that could wake up later. A fan is a great way to add white noise to your bedtime routine. Repetitive music works to. The whole point of the noise is to avoid breaks and changes in the music. Music needs to be set to turn off at some point though or you may never be able to enter a really deep undisturbed sleep.
Watch what you eat and when you eat it.
While it has never actually been proven that eating late at night makes you gain weight, it has been shown that a full stomach can make it harder to sleep. Try not to eat a big meal about three hours before bed. Greasy and spicy foods are the worst for trying to fall asleep with. However, a totally empty stomach could be a hindrance as well. Snack on a high protein food like yogurt, turkey, tuna or peanuts about an hour before going to bed. All of these foods have tryptophan which is supposed to help the body relax.
Don’t drink caffeine after noon.
The effects of caffeine can last up to 12 hours, even if you don’t notice it. Have your caffeine in the morning and then avoid it for the rest of the day. A glass of warm milk or chamomile tea have relaxing properties that will help you sleep better.
If none of these tips work for you then you probably should get with your doctor and find out if you may need to conduct a sleep study in order to find out what’s wrong with your sleeping habits and if they can be fixed. You may have a sleep disorder that you didn’t know about.