The pumpkin spice products are filling the shelves in stores across the country. From coffees at the grocery store to candles at the gift boutique, fall is the time of year when many people really look forward to the scent of pumpkin and spice and everything nice. While there are many products that can help the inside of your house look and smell great on the inside, there are also a number of landscape design ideas that will allow you to make the outside of your home look fantastic as well.
Landscaping companies and nursery centers offer a number of fall products that can help you make the outside of your house or office property look as good as the inside of your home smells.
A Plant Nursery Offers a Wide Range of Fall Plants and Flowers
Many people thing of landscape designs in the spring when they are getting ready for a summer full of bright blooms and productive vegetables. The reality is, however, there are also a number of purchases that you can make as fall arrives to make sure that the front of your house and the walkways into your office remain festive as the cooler temperatures arrive.
From the shade trees in the backyard that provide a great place to relax and read a book to the gurgling sound of water features on the side of your property, there are many ways that landscape designs can help you create a space that always makes you feel welcome. In addition, tall shade trees block light very effectively in the summer and can reduce summer energy bills by as much as 20%. It is also advantageous to get in the habit of working outside on a regular basis. In fact, the average home owner spends as many as four hours a week caring for their lawn. Dependent on where a house is located that can amount to approximately 150 hours in cooler climates and 208 hours in warmer climates a year.
And while adding color through landscaping can be pricey, it is important to remember that while you are investing in trees, shrubs, and flowers, you are also investing in the value of your home. For instance, research indicates that even when you spend as little as 5% of a home’s value on landscaping, you may get as much as 150% in a return on investment (ROI). Additionally, nearly 90% of real estate agents encourage home owners to invest in landscaping prior to selling so that their property shows better and brings higher offers. It may be pumpkin flavored goodness on the inside of your home, but it is also time to spice up how your home looks on the outside.