You?ve put a lot of work and money into your outdoor living space. You finally have everything perfect. It is comfortable, nice looking and practical. The only problem is that you only get to use it one season a year; in the summer. Many outdoor living spaces around the country are not usable year round because of colder weather and snow. Many people are stuck inside, unable to use their nice outdoor living area for many months of the year. They may be limited on space for entertaining. What are some ways that you can extend the amount of time that your outdoor living space is usable? The cold weather requires a heat source. It requires a way to provide warmth and heat in a safe way. The heat source should also be practical and easy to provide.
Gas fireplace logs are perfect if your outdoor living space includes a gas fireplace. This fireplace can be custom built, with the gas line being run from your home. The majority of grill owners use their grills year-round (60%). Why not use your gas fireplace as well? A vent free fireplace log set and a vented fireplace log set allows you to choose whichever option and type of logs works best for your outdoor fireplace.
Providing a heat source for your outdoor living space can increase your entertaining space as well. Winter holidays saw an increase from 2011 with Super Bowl Sunday (31%), Easter (18%), Thanksgiving (15%), and New Year?s Eve/Day (15%) rounding off the top. A patio heater can make your holiday entertaining space larger. You will be able to host more family and friends and provide more entertainment and room options. Gas logs will ensure that your outdoor fireplace is burning all night, keeping all of your guests warm and satisfied.
Birthdays are another great occasion to celebrate outdoors, even in the fall. Gas fireplace logs allow guests to celebrate outdoors in colder temperatures. About 72% of U.S. adults stated that they barbecued for birthdays. Overall, people enjoy barbeques. This number would likely increase with the use of gas fireplace logs, allowing those with fall or cold spring birthdays to celebrate outdoors as well. The addition of a tent or barrier would also make the living space warmer with the heating source.
A natural gas fireplace log set is great for those worried about the environment. The gas fireplace logs are all natural, but are guaranteed to burn. They are similar to burning the trees or woods from your own yard.
Many outdoor living spaces go unused from the months of October to April. Although some of these months might not be very cold and have very few snowstorms; events are often not planned outdoors for fear of bad weather. Gas fireplace logs and the addition of outdoor heating sources to your outdoor living space can increase the amount of time it is usable. People can increase their hosting space for holidays or birthday parties. Those with colder month birthdays can also have the option to celebrate outdoors now.