There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you struggle to keep your home clean. None of us do it very well. Keeping up with the dishes, the bathrooms, washing and folding and putting away the laundry, mopping and vacuuming, and dusting on a daily basis. It is scientifically impossible to do on your own, unless you wear a cape and call yourself Supergirl.
If you are part of the 99.9% of the human population who struggles to keep up with housework, you have three options:
- First, you can curl up in a ball and cry, and then cry some more.
- Second, you can adopt Stockholm syndrome and learn to love the mess. Wearing your clothes inside out to avoid washing them isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things.
- Or third– and this is the option that we’re going to explore today– you could look into hiring a dependable house cleaning service to join forces with you in the battle on your messy house and ultimately help you win the war.
But who can afford it?
I know what you’re thinking, hiring a dependable house cleaning service might be a hit to your budget. However, using maid services probably doesn’t cost as much as you think they do, and having the peace of mind and clarity that comes with a clean home is worth the sacrifice. Many times, hiring dependable house cleaning services once or twice a month cost as little as giving up your morning latte. Worth it? I think so!
Finding Your House Cleaning Soulmate
Our next order of business is addressing how to find a dependable house cleaning service who you trust, and who does a great job. To help you out, we collected data, crunched the numbers, and examined the scientific theory behind housekeeping. In the end, we’re happy to present to you this list of four highly effective tips for finding a maid service who kicks butt and takes names:
- Word-of-mouth. As with any service, a good recommendation from someone who loves their housekeeper is the best way to find a trusted house cleaning service that you can’t live without. Keep in mind, you might find your friends, family, and colleagues are hesitant to reveal the name of their dependable house cleaning services if they’re so great that landing an appointment with them is already difficult. But this is one way to start.
- Check out the online ads. Sometimes, you can find great housekeeping services through classifieds like Craigslist, or on in Facebook groups for local businesses in your area. If you’re not finding anything that really ignites your fire, you could try checking out the newspaper classifieds. Some of the best housekeepers come from an era before technology.
- Good ol’ Google. There are a lot of reasons you may prefer using a cleaning service rather than a Joe Schmoe that you met on the streets. An official cleaning service is licensed and insured, so the valuables in your home are protected. It’s easier to find online reviews of cleaning companies than it is for a one-man band, and a business’s reputation speaks for the quality of their work.
If you are looking for a cleaning company rather than a independent cleaning lady, Googling it is a great way to identify the best local cleaning services in your area. If you go this route, don’t forget to search for online discount or coupon codes as well! In fact, sometimes discount giants like Groupon and LivingSocial will give you a great deal for your first service, so that you can test the company out before it really hits your wallet. - Create a grassroots campaign. Sometimes, it takes a little strategy to connect with a great and inexpensive cleaning service. If you live in a college town, college students often love picking up jobs like this for extra cash. Simply call the guidance counselor’s office and put your name out there for any students looking for work. You can also try posting an ad on Craigslist or in your local Facebook group to connect with a house keeper, although these methods give you less opportunity to vet them out before you bring them in your home.
How did you find your cleaning service? Please share in the comment section below.