When you’re in need of urgent medical care, you need not worry. Urgent medical care centers offer high-quality services for the treatment of a range of issues. There is no need to wait for hours to get treated at the hospital or your doctor‘s office. Medical care walk-in clinics have many benefits. Find a doctor near you that is professional and who knows the value of patient care.
At a health care medical group, their job is to care for patients. Benefits of medical walk-in clinics include fast service, value for your money, availability, professional care, and quick treatment. A medical care walk in clinic can treat a variety of medical issues, including asthma attaches, toothaches, skin rashes, diarrhea, minor cuts, and sprains. Visit medical company websites to find more information.
The very best way to get and stay healthy is to have a good relationship with a primary care physician. The problem that comes up with this arrangement is that it is not always possible to get in to see that person when you are ill or injured. Moreover, if you have a problem at night or on the weekend, it can be impossible to see your doctor. This is when you have to decide if you will go to an emergency room or to urgent care and clinics.
As these pop up in more areas around the United States, more and more people are turning to urgent care and clinics for their medical care. This is a good thing because while emergency medical and urgent services are similar, they are not the same. It has been estimated that anywhere between 44% and 65% of all visits to emergency rooms could have been taken care of in urgent medical care centers. This was researched by Milliman, a private company. Here are a few reasons to consider getting your health care needs met at urgent care centers:
- It is cheaper. It is no secret that the most cost-effective way to get medical care is to prevent becoming ill or injured in the first place by going to a primary care doctor on a regular basis. It is also no secret that the most expensive kind of medical care you can get is at the emergency room. To get a sense of this, the typical reimbursement when a patient goes to the urgent care center is about $103. That number rises to $302 when the same person is seen in an emergency room.
- It is more convenient. You can make an appointment when you are going to urgent care and clinics but you do not have to. Moreover, you do not have to wait until normal business hours for family doctors start. About 97% of all urgent care centers are open seven days a week. Approximately 99% have at least four open hours each day. You can get treatment on your schedule.
- It takes less time. You can get in and out in a short amount of time. When you go to an emergency room, you are going to have to wait. This is not the case when you go to an urgent care center. It has been found that the average wait at about 60% of urgent care centers is under 15 minutes. People are often in and out of the urgent care clinic in under an hour.
- They can do a lot. You can get treatment for a number of conditions and problems. Urgent care centers are good for a number of problems, some include (this list is not exhaustive):
- Simple fractures: Nearly 90% of all urgent care centers have x-ray machines.
- Sprains and strains: It has been estimated that 25,000 people sprain their ankles every day. All of these people could be seen in an urgent care center.
- Upper respiratory infections:Basic colds are some of the most common illnesses that are treated in urgent care centers.
- Urinary tract infections:If you have one of these, you may not want to wait for your doctor’s office to open but you can get treatment at urgent care and clinics around the country.
- STDs:You may not want to go to your primary care doctor’s office for this but urgent care centers can test for and treat sexually transmitted diseases.
- Nausea and vomiting:If you have a stomach bug, you can become dehydrated. The majority of urgent care centers can treat dehydration with IV hydration.
- Travel medicine:If you are planning a trip to certain parts of the world, you may need vaccinations, such as for Yellow Fever or medications to prevent malaria. Your primary care doctor may not be able to help you but many urgent care and walk in clinics can. Call before you go, if you need this.
If you are not sure where to go for care, there are also hybrid centers that offer emergency and urgent care services. If you go to an urgent care center, they will evaluate you and send you to a hospital emergency room if you need to be seen there.